Gutenberg And Neglectfulness

January 5, 2019 9:47 am Published by

If you are reading this post, the update from WordPress 4 to WordPress 5 with Gutenberg was successful!

It has been a long time since I have posted a new article. I apologize to you, my faithful follower(s) for my neglectfulness. It has been far too long. I feel with the recent update to the new Gutenberg version of WordPress it is now time. I hope to log my adventures learning this new version here, and possibly even add some tips to help you all out.

My first thought is that straight out of the box Gutenberg seems very slick and easy to use. I have not yet created my own custom block, nor edited an existing one, but that is coming. I am excited to learn the nuances of this update.

“I am really looking forward to this new adventure.”

– Dennis M. Barber

With this new update I am sure it is time to update my theme too; how fun will that be!? There is so much about writing code that, to me, is just so exciting. I am really looking forward to this new adventure.

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This post was written by dmbarber

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